As we age, we lose volume in the back of our hands, giving the appearance of tendons, veins and wrinkles to be more pronounced. At Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa we want to address all of your anti-aging concerns, not just those to do with your face. It seems like most of our focus when it comes to anti-aging efforts lands above the shoulders, focusing on wrinkles and lines on the face, and as we go along, we notice our youthful-looking faces do not match our hands. Restylane is an incredible product that allows us to combat the effects of time, and can take years off of our faces and now hands too.
By using Restylane, we’re able to actually fill in the backside of your hands safely and effectively, providing a more youthful and fuller appearance. Hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in our bodies, provides fullness and elasticity and as we age, depletes, causing a loss of volume and therefore wrinkles. Restylane has been used 30 million times worldwide and is one of our favorite products, because it’s not only safe, but also provides incredible results. If you’re wanting to extend a youthful appearance not only to your face, but also your hands, please visit or call Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa at (480) 923-6138.
Dallas Sloan and Rich Ganley

Dallas Sloan and Rich Ganley are the co-owners of Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa. They are both passionate entrepreneurs and have extensive experience in the beauty, medical and service industries. They are blessed to lead a team of amazing professionals who are “obsessed with service” and love to “Pamper, Inspire, and Educate”! Colair was honored to be voted best mid-size business by the Gilbert Arizona Chamber of Commerce.