Chin Fillers

How Chin Fillers Enhance Your Neck and Jawline

Chin fillers are an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment to restore proportion and harmony to the face, neck, and jawline. 

Do you have a weak chin, recessive jaw, or after a more defined chin? Adding filler in the chin helps restore lower facial volume, combat sagging skin, chisel the jawline and make your neck look more defined—all without the need for risky plastic surgery. 

Dermal fillers help both women and men add definition, create symmetry, balance, and contour the lower portion of the face without looking harsh or overdone. Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa serves that exact purpose in helping you achieve the aesthetic you desire.

What Areas Can Chin Fillers Improve?

Chin and jawline fillers are an excellent method for creating symmetry and definition of your facial features. Chin filler treatment consists of multiple deep injections placed directly into your chin. 

Unlike invasive surgeries, chin fillers are a quick-fix surgical alternative. They can help with any of the following: 

  • Reduce the look of a ‘double chin‘
  • Reduce a ‘pointed chin’ or ‘squared chin’
  • Increase the size of your chin
  • Improve the symmetry of the chin
  • Sculpt and define the jawline 
  • Make the neck appear more defined 
  • Fix a ‘recessive chin’
  • Improve the overall shape of the chin
  • Reduce the appearance of a larger nose  

Who Should Get Chin Fillers?

If you’re looking to define your jawline, then chin fillers are an optimal choice. You can also strengthen your chin with fillers or fill in lines and wrinkles. 

A chin filler candidate is anyone whose chin stops too short relative to the lips. They’re an excellent tool to help retrognathia, which is a condition where the chin sits farther back than the cheeks. 

If the chin is underdeveloped- a condition called microgenia – chin fillers are an excellent option. Men and women alike benefit from chin fillers, along with anyone looking to contour and add definition to the face. 

Older patients with sagging neck skin also benefit greatly from chin fillers, as they help conceal neck skin and can take years off the face. 

Anyone opting for chin fillers should ideally be in good overall health with no other health conditions or allergies.

Are There Any Side Effects?

You should experience little to no downtime after receiving your injections. If you do experience side effects, they may range from any of the following:

  • Minor swelling
  • Dull aching
  • Slight bruising in the treated area
  • Possible skin bumps that resolve shortly
  • Inflammatory skin reaction

It’s important to note that most people report that side effects disappear completely within a few days.  

How Long Does Jawline Filler Last?

Jawline fillers can last anywhere from 15 to 24 months. You may need touch-up treatments to benefit from the full scope of chin enhancement this procedure provides. 

After the two-year mark, these fillers are naturally metabolized by your body. They’re among the longest-lasting type of facial filler, providing you with years of beauty and facial enhancement.

Best Fillers for the Chin Area

If you’re looking to reshape your chin and jaw area using fillers, there are several types to choose from. These include Juvederm Voluma, Restylane Defyne, and Restylane Lyft. These are the industry’s safest, most effective FDA-approved dermal fillers. 

Other chin fillers include Defyne, Lyft, and Voluma. These naturally biodegradable hyaluronic acid-based gel fillers closely mimic your body’s naturally produced hyaluronic acid.

They’re injected beneath the surface of your skin where they restore volume to targeted areas. They also soften and hydrate your skin.

If you opt for these dermal fillers, you’ll also benefit from collagen and elastin production. These are the proteins responsible for maintaining the voluminous structure of your skin.  

These skin boosters are each renowned for producing long-lasting results with a super-natural finish. Your chin filler results are a proportional chin in harmony with your natural facial features, giving you a balanced appearance and profile. 

Differences in Filler Types

When choosing a skin booster it’s important to compare the benefits of fillers. 

Restylane Defyne is a chin filler that’s designed to help smooth out deeper lines and wrinkles. However, Restylane Lyft is a filler designed to focus more on the mid-face area while helping to restore any volume your skin has lost. Juvederm Voluma, another type of chin filler, is often used to treat age-related volume deficits. 

It’s important to remember that dermal fillers are individualized based on your concerns and needs. Consider what areas you need to be addressed when selecting a chin filler.

Where to Get Chin Fillers

A trained professional should only administer chin enhancement with dermal filler at a medical facility or an accredited Med Spa. 

At Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa, our staff has extensive experience injecting chin fillers. Therefore, we take the time to determine which filler and treatment plan will give you the best possible results. For a free consultation please give us a call at (480) 923-6138.


What Filler Options are Available to Me?

Most visible signs of aging are caused by volume loss. Dermal fillers replace lost volume to help soften wrinkles, plump the lips, smooth creases, and enhance the skin’s overall appearance – without surgery or downtime. At Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa, we offer different filler injections to address various skin concerns. Learn about the types of dermal fillers we offer to help determine which option is right for you. 

What Brands of Filler Does Colair Offer?


VERSA is a hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler created to smooth and plump the skin. VERSA is known to be more cost-effective than other brands. 

Best For: Lips, Under Eye Area 


Juvederm Ultra is an advanced dermal filler used to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, under the eyes and is excellent for lip augmentation. Juvederm Ultra Plus is thicker, meaning it can offer more dramatic results. Ultra Plus is best for areas with more significant volume loss. 

Best For: Lips, Severe Wrinkles, Nasolabial Folds, Facial Shaping


Restylane Kysse is a dermal filler developed to create perfect, full lips. Kysse adds volume, smooths lip lines, and enhances lip color. 

Best For: Lips


JUVEDERM VOLUMA is a filler injection used to correct age-related volume loss in the cheeks. VOLUMA may also be used to augment the chin region. 

Best For: Cheeks


Restylane Lyft is another hyaluronic acid dermal filler designed to add natural-looking volume to the skin. 

Best For: Cheeks, Hands, Jawline, Chin, Temples 


Restylane can add volume to the skin to correct lower eyelid dark circles or hollows. It’s mainly used to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles or volume loss. 

Best For: Tear Troughs, Hollow Cheeks, Facial Volume Loss 


Restylane Silk is specifically designed for smoothing fine lines and creating a softer, more precise result. It’s ideal for restoring and enhancing the lips and is smoother than other Restylane products. 

Best For: Lips, Fine Lines


Restylane Refyne works with your skin to smooth out the lines that run alongside the corners of your mouth. Refyne gives you the flexibility you need for natural-looking movement and expressions. 

Best For: Fine Lines, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines


Platelet-rich plasma can be injected into the tear troughs to correct pigment issues, like undereye circles or dark shadows to create a younger, more refreshed appearance. 

Keep in mind PRP comes from your blood, making it a slightly more invasive procedure than dermal fillers. 

Best For: Tear Troughs 


Radiesse is often used to smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. It’s very effective at correcting deeper lines and folds compared to other fillers. 

Best For: Chin, Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds


Sculptra stimulates collagen production to repair the skin’s underlying structure and add fullness to the face. It’s most commonly used on the temples and lower portion of the face. 

Best For: Temples, Jawline, Sunken Cheeks, Smile Lines, Chin

All of the filler injections we use are made up of hyaluronic acid, which is naturally produced by the body. Depending on the type of dermal filler, results can last anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. 

Still unsure which type of dermal filler is best for you? Book a consultation today and get all of your questions answered by one of our registered nurses. For more info, please visit Colair Beauty Lounge & Med Spa or call us at (480) 9120-5325.